Faculty Profiles - College of Business and Social Sciences
Jason Ashby
Assistant Professor
School of Acctg, Finan, & Info Serv
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HMPH 342
Burt Ashworth
Associate Professor
School of Behavioral & Social Sci
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STRS 329
William Barnett
Associate Professor
School of Acctg, Finan, & Info Serv
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Christine Berry
School of Management
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HMPH 309
Mkay Bonner
School of Behavioral & Social Sci
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STRS 224
Katherine Boswell
Associate Professor
School of Acctg, Finan, & Info Serv
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HMPH 344
Megan Broadway
Assistant Professor
School of Behavioral & Social Sci
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STRS 324
Paul Bruce
School of Acctg, Finan, & Info Serv
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HMPH 303
Nicole Cabello
School of Behavioral & Social Sci
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STRS 228
David Cole
School of Acctg, Finan, & Info Serv
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HMPH 333
Jose Cordova
Associate Professor
School of Acctg, Finan, & Info Serv
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HMPH 345
Gary Cross
School of Management
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HMPH 146
Blair David
School of Management
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HMPH 149-B
Jennifer Dumas
Assistant Professor
School of Behavioral & Social Sci
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Charles Dupree
Legal Scholar in Residence
School of Acctg, Finan, & Info Serv
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HMPH 149
Deborah Golemon
Legal Scholar in Residence
School of Management
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HMPH 347
Tyler Greer
School of Acctg, Finan, & Info Serv
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HMPH 334
Robert Hanser
School of Behavioral & Social Sci
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STRS 216
Courtney Harris
Assistant Professor
School of Behavioral & Social Sci
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STRS 164
Leigh Hersey
Associate Professor
School of Behavioral & Social Sci
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STRS 166
Marshall Hill
Engineer in Residence
School of Construction Mgmt
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CONS 115
Anissa Horne
Associate Professor
School of Behavioral & Social Sci
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STRS 229
Daniel Hummel
Assistant Professor
School of Behavioral & Social Sci
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STRS 109
Veronika Humphries
Assistant Professor
School of Management
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HMPH 151
Darrion Jenkins
Assistant Professor
School of Management
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HMPH 154
Shaomeng Jia
Assistant Professor
School of Acctg, Finan, & Info Serv
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HMPH 157
Mark Johnson
Assistant Professor
School of Behavioral & Social Sci
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STRS 221
Tammy Johnston
School of Acctg, Finan, & Info Serv
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HMPH 153
Courtney Joiner
School of Behavioral & Social Sci
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STRS 217
Robyn Jordan
Assistant Professor
School of Behavioral & Social Sci
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STRS 242
Kevin Kim
Assistant Professor
School of Acctg, Finan, & Info Serv
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HMPH 301-B
Taewoo Kim
Assistant Professor
School of Management
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HMPH 156
David King
Associate Professor
School of Management
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HMPH 142
Melissa Kiper
School of Management
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HMPH 351
Jay Lewis
School of Acctg, Finan, & Info Serv
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HMPH 330
Joseph Mansour
School of Acctg, Finan, & Info Serv
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HMPH 332
Clint Martin
Associate Professor
School of Construction Mgmt
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CONS 133
William McCown
School of Behavioral & Social Sci
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STRS 306
Janelle McDaniel
Associate Professor
School of Behavioral & Social Sci
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STRS 327
Joseph McGahan
School of Behavioral & Social Sci
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Zachary Moore
Assistant Professor
School of Management
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HMPH 354
Scott Mooty
School of Management
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Krista Parker
Visiting Instructor
School of Behavioral & Social Sci
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STRS 332
Anita Sharma
School of Behavioral & Social Sci
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STRS 151
Greg Smith
School of Construction Mgmt
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CONS 112
Lon Smith
Associate Professor
School of Acctg, Finan, & Info Serv
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HMPH 346
Christian Specks
Assistant Professor
School of Behavioral & Social Sci
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STRS 226
Prasanthi Sreekumari
Associate Professor
School of Acctg, Finan, & Info Serv
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HEMP 349
Rick Stevens
School of Behavioral & Social Sci
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STRS 322
Cameron Sumlin
Assistant Professor
School of Management
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HMPH 155
Seth Tackett
Assistant Professor
School of Behavioral & Social Sci
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STRS 332
Kim Taylor
School of Acctg, Finan, & Info Serv
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HMPH 338
Norman Tharpe
School of Acctg, Finan, & Info Serv
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HMPH 301-A
Josh Tolleson
School of Management
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HMPH 145
Adam Traweek
Practitioner of Construction Management
School of Construction Mgmt
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CONS 113
Bruce Walker
School of Management
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HMPH 158
Janis Weber
School of Acctg, Finan, & Info Serv
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HMPH 353
Neil White
Associate Professor
School of Behavioral & Social Sci
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STRS 231
Paul Wiedemeier
Associate Professor
School of Acctg, Finan, & Info Serv
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HMPH 348
Katie Wilder
School of Acctg, Finan, & Info Serv
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HMPH 330
Claudia Williams
School of Management
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HMPH 331
Jun Yu
School of Management
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HMPH 352
Joyce Zhou
School of Management
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HMPH 304