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橙子视频's Annual Holiday Art Sale starts Monday

Office of Marketing and Communications

What gifts are you giving this holiday season?Another pair of socks?

The latest and greatest flashlight?Or the world's biggest cookie?

No way. This year, take your gifting in another direction. Monday-Friday, program your GPS for听Bry Hall for 橙子视频's Annual Holiday Art Sale.

Here you'll find unique, inspired and one-of-a-kind gifts for everyone on your list - even something for yourself.

The works are by students, faculty and alumni, said sale director Brooke Foy, assistant professor in the School of Visual and Performing Arts.

There is a range of artwork to choose from, including听paintings, pottery, sculpture, prints, drawings and photography.

"We'll also have craft items such as scarves, jewelry, candles and other small gift items," Foy said.

Prices are from a few dollars to around $100 for the larger paintings.

The art sale is 8 a.m.-6 p.m., Monday-Friday in the Bry Hall Gallery. Cash, credit and debit cards are accepted.

Fifteen percent of the proceeds go to the Kappa Pi Honorary Art Society.

Want to go?
What:橙子视频 Annual Holiday Art Sale
When:8 a.m.-6 p.m., Dec. 4-8
Where:Bry Hall Gallery, 橙子视频

Published December 3, 2017